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How to Build a Strong Promotional Product Strategy to Support Your Brand 

Promotional Products offer your organisation a fantastic channel to communicate with your customers. In a heavily packed consumer landscape, standing out from the crowd is more important than ever for businesses and organisations. With a wide range of benefits to using branded merchandise, it’s important to put a strong strategy in place to capitalise on their benefits.  

Start building your strategy with the steps below to maximise the success of your promotional products. 

  1. Define your goals for the strategy

Make sure you have clear objectives for your promotional products strategy. Following a SMART goal structure (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time—based) will help you to understand what you are hoping to achieve with this new strategy. Lay these out early in the planning to give you a strong foundation. 


  1. Do your market research

Doing your market research when embarking on a new strategy will help you to plan out your strategy more fully and understand the competitive space you are entering. By researching your target audience, competitors, products and more, you can build a realistic strategy grounded in data and research, helping to drive stronger results as laid out in your goals. 

  1. Agree on your budget

Once you have an idea of your market it's now time to set out your budget, based on your goals, ROI, and the overall marketing budget that your new strategy is being added to. Be sure to account for set-up costs, alongside ordering costs for promotional products, as these one-off costs can build up quickly if you are trying to create multiple promotional products. 

  1. Narrow down the list of promotional products

When selecting promotional products for your strategy, it is vitally important to ensure the products you choose are relevant to your brand and your target audience, while also being high-quality. Narrowing down the list of promotional products you will be using allows you to create targeted, relevant products that your supporters will enjoy using. 


  1. Branding is everything

Promotional products help you to communicate your brand differently. It’s important to ensure you have a strong brand identity that allows you to communicate with your audience about your organisation at a glance. This means tying in your promotional product strategy directly to your brand strategy, so they complement each other. Keep to your brand guidelines, such as colour, messaging, logos, etc., to create a cohesive brand strategy that perfectly conveys your brand to your community. 


  1. Analyse, adjust, and go forward

Once your strategy has gotten underway, you can begin to investigate the data you have gathered to help you assess the strengths and weaknesses of your campaign and overall strategy. By analysing the hard data you have, you’ll be able to adjust your strategy accordingly and continue to grow and strengthen your strategy as it continues.  

 BrandPro Colour Theory and Pyschology

Building a strong promotional product strategy is a fantastic way to grow your overall marketing and brand strategy for your organisation. Creating a cohesive and well-planned strategy allows you to maximise your potential and build stronger relationships with your community.  

Want to get started on promotional products today? Our BrandPro team are ready to help and can help you get started on your journey now. Explore our current offers and contact the team today!